Copyright Agreement

Article Title:                                     (Manuscript No.                              )

Author(s) (in order):                                            

Submitted to: Journal of University of Jinan (Science and Technology) (hereafter referred to as “the Journal”)

1. The author(s) agree that after the article is accepted by the Journal, the author(s) will transfer the copyright of the whole article and its attachments (including but not limited to the rights of reproduction, distribution, information network transmission, broadcasting, performance, translation, compilation, adaptation, etc.) to the editorial office of the Journal (hereafter referred to as “the Editorial Office”) free of charge. After the publication of the article, the copyright will belong to the Editorial Office. The Editorial Office will have the right to use the article in various ways, including but not limited to:

① Reproducing, distributing, transmitting through information networks, broadcasting, or otherwise use the article in any known or future forms, formats, and media (such as print, CD, disk, online, etc.).

② Translating, adapting, compiling the article, and creating derivative works using the article’s charts, abstracts, or any parts thereof.

③ In addition to the Journal's own use, the Journal has the right to license any third parties (including CNKI) to use the aforementioned rights (Note: If the author(s) disagree with this, they must state so in Section 8).

2. Scope of Transfer: Worldwide (Note: If the author(s) require geographic restrictions on the transfer, they must indicate this in Section 8).

3. The author(s) agree that the article will be published in the Journal as an open access work. After the publication of the article, third-party users may use the article under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license; the author(s) will have the following rights:

① The author(s) may use the article under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.

② The author(s) may compile the full text of the article in the author's own non-journal collections; the author(s) may quote parts of the article in his/her subsequent works. However, in the course of the above use (including quotation), the title of the Journal and the year, volume and issue in which the article was published should be clearly labeled.

4. Intellectual Property Commitment: The author(s) guarantee that the article is an original work and does not involve confidentiality issues or academic misconduct such as duplicate submissions. If any infringement or confidentiality issues arise, the author(s) will bear full responsibility. The listed authors, while ensuring there are no disputes regarding the order of authorship, should also meet the following three criteria: ① Having directly participated in all or most of the research work and made significant contributions. ② Involved in writing the article. ③ Being able to defend the article and take direct responsibility for its content. If multiple authors collaborate on the article, the order of authorship should reflect the level of contribution each author has made. The first author is the primary contributor and creator of the article. Unless otherwise stated, the first author holds the primary rights, responsibilities, and obligations with respect to the article.

5. Author Services: To support authors in their research, learning, creation, and publication, the Journal and related licensed platforms offer a range of services. The specific services provided will be as per the announcements of the third-party platforms.

6. Any disputes arising from the execution of this agreement should be resolved through negotiation. If negotiations fail, either party may file a lawsuit in the People's Court with jurisdiction over the Editorial Office's location.

7. This agreement should be signed in black ink by the author(s) in handwriting. It is effective as of the date of signature. Once signed, an electronic version of the agreement must be uploaded to the submission system. If the article is not ultimately accepted by the Journal, this agreement will be null and void.

8. Special Statement:

(End of the main text)

Signatures of All Authors (If there are more than three authors, please add additional signature lines as needed)


Author Signature

ID Number


Date of Signature