Manuscript Process

1. Review Process

Journal of University of Jinan (Science and Technology) employs a double-blind peer review system. The manuscript review process includes:

(1) Initial Review: Upon successful submission of a manuscript, the Editor-in-Chief will conduct an initial review to evaluate whether the manuscript fits within the journal's scope and meets the format requirements. A plagiarism check will also be carried out at this stage. The result of the initial review will be communicated to the authors via email.

(2) Secondary Review: Manuscripts that pass the initial review are sent to two peer experts in the relevant research field for evaluation. The managing editor will consider all comments from the reviewers to determine the result of the secondary review and communicates this result to the authors. If revisions are required based on the review result, the authors must respond to each comment and submit a revised version of the manuscript.

(3) Final Review: After passing the secondary review, the manuscript will be forwarded to the Editor-in-Chief for final review, who will make the final decision on acceptance. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the entire content of the journal.

Submissions from the journal's editorial board members and editors follow the same review and handling procedures. All review processes for such manuscripts are conducted independently of the relevant editorial board members/editors and their research groups. In addition, editorial board members and editors may not participate in the review process of manuscripts in which they have potential conflicts of interest with the authors, such as competition, collaboration, or other conflicts.

2. Author Appeals

If authors have objections to the review comments or decisions regarding their manuscript, they may submit a written appeal to the editorial office via email. Authors are required to provide detailed explanations and clarifications for each review comment. Upon receiving an appeal, the editorial office will promptly review it and provide the authors with feedback. Please note that typically, only one appeal is accepted for each manuscript.

3. Corrections & Retractions

In principle, the journal does not accept requests from authors to correct or retract articles after they have been formally published. However, corrections or retractions will be processed under the following necessary circumstances:

(1) Corrections: If an unintentional scientific error is discovered in a published article that does not significantly affect the results and conclusions, the editorial office will promptly publish a correction notice in the journal. The corrected version of the article will be published detailing the changes made to the original article, with the update date noted. Citations should refer to the latest version of the article.

(2) Retractions: The journal will retract a published article in the following cases:

① When the article contains serious scientific errors that render its results and conclusions unreliable;

② For articles suspected of academic misconduct, the editorial office will initiate an investigation and publish a statement informing readers of the risks associated with the article. The results of the investigation will be made public once concluded. If academic misconduct is confirmed, the editorial office will retract the article and publish a retraction statement.