Policy of Open Access

1. Open Access Statement

Journal of University of Jinan (Science and Technology) officially transitioned to an open access journal using the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license agreement in 2022. Starting from the first issue of 2022, all articles published in this journal are open access. After publication, users may immediately and permanently access the full texts of these articles for free through the official journal website (https://jdxbzkb.ujn.edu.cn/English.htm), and users may copy and distribute the articles in accordance with the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.

Articles published in this journal in 2021 and earlier are not open access. Currently, the official journal website does not provide access to these articles. Readers may access their full texts through the databases of CNKI and Wanfang Data.

2. Licensing Policy

Journal of University of Jinan (Science and Technology) uses the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International license agreement (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Users may copy and distribute the open access articles of this journal in any medium and format, provided that they comply with the terms of the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license agreement:

When copying and distributing the relevant articles, appropriate credit must be given, a link to the license agreement must be provided, and it must be indicated whether any changes have been made to the original articles. The attribution may be done in any reasonable manners, but in no way that suggests endorsement by the journal. The relevant articles may not be used for commercial purposes. If the articles are remixed, transformed, or built upon, the modified articles must not be distributed. For more detailed information about this license agreement, please visit:


3. Article Copyright

Authors are required to sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement at the time of submission. According to this agreement, after the article is accepted by the journal, authors will transfer the copyright of the whole article and its attachments (including but not limited to the rights of reproduction, distribution, information network transmission, broadcasting, performance, translation, compilation, adaptation, etc.) to the editorial office of Journal of University of Jinan (Science and Technology) free of charge. After the publication of the article, the copyright will belong to the editorial office of the journal.

4. Rights of Authors

After an article is published in this journal, the author(s) of the article will have the following rights:

(1) The author(s) may use the article under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license;

(2) The author(s) may compile the full text of the article in the author's own non-journal collections; the author(s) may quote parts of the article in his/her subsequent works. However, in the course of the above use (including quotation), the title of the journal and the year, volume and issue in which the article was published should be clearly labeled.

5. Self-archiving of Authors

Authors are allowed to store all versions of their articles in an institutional or other repository of their choice, provided they acknowledge in the repository that the article was originally published in this journal.

6. Article Processing Charges

To support open access publishing, the journal charges an Article Processing Charge (APC), which is paid by the authors or their affiliated institutions, funding bodies, etc. The fee structure is as follows:

§ For authors from the University of Jinan, the APC is RMB 100 per page.

§ For external authors who are not from the University of Jinan, the APC is RMB 300 per page. However, for external authors with national funding projects, the APC is RMB 200 per page.

After publication, the editorial office will send copies of the journal to the authors. If the editorial office republishes the article in another form, no further APCs will be charged to the authors.