Guidelines for Authors

To submit a manuscript, please click on the "Author Submission" section on the homepage to enter the submission system and register to submit your manuscript.

Online Submission Procedure:

(1) Sign up as an author in the submission system.

(2) Sign the Copyright Transfer Agreement available in the Download Center, and upload it to the submission system.

(3) Enter details about your manuscript.

(4) Fill out information about the authors.

(5) Upload manuscript and attachments: Before uploading, please download the latest Manuscript Template from the Download Center page. Make sure your manuscript is strictly formatted and edited according to the template.

Important Notes:

(1) In the submission system, all fields (e.g., number of pages, co-author information, contact number, affiliations) must be completed except for the recommended reviewers.

(2) All manuscripts must include the details of the submitting author and the corresponding author, who may be the same person.

(3) Since the acceptance letter will include the names of all authors, it is necessary to submit the information of all listed authors.

(4) Since the print edition of the journal is in color, please retain the color of all illustrations.

Manuscript Process:

(1) After successfully submitting the manuscript, the author will receive an automatic receipt notification from the submission system.

(2) If the manuscript passes the initial review, the author will receive a notification from the editor in charge of the review.

(3) The manuscript will undergo peer review by experts in the relevant field.

(4) The author will be asked to make revisions based on the reviewers' comments.

(5) The Editor-in-Chief will make the final decision on whether to accept the manuscript for publication.

(6) About half a month after publication, two copies of the journal will be sent to the first author's institution (delays possible during holidays).

(7) If authors do not receive any notification from the editorial office within 100 days of submission, they may handle the manuscript by themselves. However, please notify the editorial office in advance to avoid multiple submissions. If the manuscript is not accepted for publication by the journal, the original manuscript will not be returned to the author. Therefore, please keep a copy for your original manuscript. The author is responsible for any confidential issues related to the manuscript.